
Discover more about the projects funded by BEST 2.0

Information on all of the projects funded by the BEST Initiative from 2011-2018 can be found in this brochure.

Proj # Acronym/Short Title Region Territories Duration (months) Grant Awarded (EUR) Lead Grantee Topic Website (if available) Download
1173 REPT’ILE - Terrestrial Reptiles of the Scattered Islands IndianOcean Scattered Islands 18 €48585.00 Nature Ocean Indien Species conservation PDF icon Factsheet #1173
1174 BIOT Environmental Interpretation and Education Project IndianOcean British Indian Ocean Territory 14 €89107.00 British Indian Ocean Territory Administration Sustainable development & ecosystem services Website PDF icon Factsheet #1174
1175 Trails and Interpretation Improvements in the Peaks National Park SouthAtlantic Saint Helena 12 €99531.00 Government of St Helena Protected areas, Sustainable development & ecosystem services PDF icon Factsheet #1175
1176 Determining the feeding areas used by the community of seabirds breeding on the island of Grand Columbier PolarSubpolar Saint Pierre and Miquelon 13 €20277.00 Office National de la Chausse et de la Faune Sauvage Species conservation PDF icon Factsheet #1176
1180 DyCIT – The Dynamic and Conservation of the Island of Tromelin IndianOcean Scattered Islands 24 €96000.00 Université de la Réunion Species conservation PDF icon Factsheet #1180
1181 Forest Restoration and Improved Biosecurity on Nightingale Island SouthAtlantic Tristan da Cunha 24 €98750.00 Government of Tristan da Cunha Species conservation, Ecosystem restoration PDF icon Factsheet #1181
1583 COPRA - Conservation and Integrated Management of Phanerogam Seagrass Meadows of the Glorieuses Marine Nature Park IndianOcean Scattered Islands 28 €399646.00 French Biodiversity Agency Species conservation PDF icon Factsheet #1583
1586 Sustainable Fishing in the Arctic PolarSubpolar Greenland 24 €296383.00 Zoological Society of London Sustainable development & ecosystem services PDF icon Factsheet #1586
1594 Right Whales in the South Georgia Marine Ecosystem PolarSubpolar South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands 24 €398731.00 British Antarctic Survey Species conservation Website PDF icon Factsheet #1594
1599 An Ecological Assessment of Ascension Island’s Shallow-water Seamounts as Candidate MPAs SouthAtlantic Ascension 21 €197067.00 Ascension Island Government Protected areas PDF icon Factsheet #1599
